We have successfully raised funds for these buns, and these are their Hoppy Endings!

Grace Fuzzy the Bunny, who was given up at the age of 9 years old. Due to long term neglect, she had Cataracts, Arthritis, Spurs and Pus in the mouth, Snuffles, Infections & Kidney issues. Fortunately, with proper medical care, she recovered, and only requires daily nebulisation and medication. She has since been given a Forever Home. <3


Cray Caden had been re-homed twice. The first owner re-homed him because they complained he was stinky and didn't want him. His second owner had no time for him, and thus gave him up. Under foster care, his condition was unstable and needed regular vet care. Funds raised was put towards his Neuter and Medication for his current medical issues. He has since been adopted by his foster. <3